Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Christ Ahnsahnghong knocked, now you can try it!

I met a guy named John today, and I was moved to share with him the Truth about Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother. As I asked him if he had ever heard about there being a female image of God in the Bible, he said that he hadn't but that he "was not very religious". His parents never went to church, and he never had any interest in the Bible--he did not believe the Bible, but he had never tested the waters...

Many people do not believe that the Bible is true, they say that "it is written by man, and that it cannot be perfect because human hands wrote it down." The also say "the Bible has been changed, books have been deleted/added, it has been interpreted and reinterpreted, and the message gets lost in translation."

What I find interesting is that these comments are often made by people who have not studied or even picked up a Bible. Without trying a case, how can we acquit or convict?

Besides the fact that God Almighty is our legal Counsel(lor), how can we know that the Bible is Fact? What evidence does the Church of God have that no other church has?