Friday, August 29, 2008

Christ Ahnsahnghong restored the Sabbath

I am so excited because tomorrow is the Sabbath Day! Tomorrow, God promised us that we will rest, be blessed, and be made holy (Gen 2:1). But what churches keep the Sabbath nowadays? Why is the Church of God the ONLY church to keep the Sabbath according to the scriptures?

The Sabbath Day was one of my first studies, and since then, I have had the blessing to study many Truths at the Church of God. Through many prophesies (King David, Melchizedek, King Cyrus, Fig Tree Lesson, etc.), I was able to see through the Bible that Christ Ahnsahnghong is Second Coming Christ. But, even through a study like Sabbath Day, that seems so simple, is still amazing to me because it is SO CLEARLY in the Bible that we are to come to worship God on the 7th day-Sabbath-Saturday, but I never saw that before. Even though I had read the 10 commandments all of my life, I never made the connection. (Exodus 20:8-)

Only God Almighty can reveal what was hidden for such a long time. Christ Ahnsahnghong brought back the Biblical Sabbath--no man could have done that. Even through the one who restored the Sabbath, one can see that Christ Ahnsahnghong is True God!