Monday, May 10, 2010

Where is Zion?: Christ Ahnsahnghong reminded us.

Christ Ahnsahnghong reminded us to...(John 14:26).

"Look upon Zion, the city of our festivals; your eyes will see Jerusalem..." (Isaiah 33:20)

What distinguishes Zion?

The place where the Feasts of God are kept is Zion, and in that place, God promised to bestow His blessing of eternal life. (Psalms 132:13-14, Psalms 133:1-3)

What are God's Feasts?

Is Christmas one of God's festivals? No--check your Bibles, you will not find one line about Christmas being celebrated by God's people.

Is Easter one of God's festivals? Well, ask yourself, "Who is 'Easter'?", and then look it up in the enclycopedia. You may be surprised at what you learn. Additionally, I cannot recall ever seeing Jesus Christ mention her ("Easter") in the Bible, nor did the apostles or early saints ever refer to her.

Is Sunday worship one of God's festivals? The early church kept the Sabbath day (the 7th day, which is Saturday). Sunday worship originated in 321CE, as Roman Emperor Constantine (who worshiped the sun-god) endeavored to unite the Christian and pagan churches. He declared Sunday a "holiday", calling it the "venerable day of the sun".

When Isaiah testified about God's Feasts, he was not talking about Christmas, Easter, Sunday worship, or Mardi Gras; these festivals have no promise of God.

Then, what are God's Festivals?